I should start with the reason Brynlee was so overdue.
My first due date in my pregnancy was August 7th. When we went for an ultrasound, that date was changed to August 21st. Clark and I decided we would stick with the original date, being fully aware that Bryn could be quite late. So to spare us the hassle of telling people a long story when they asked my due date, we just said the 7th. This caused much confusion when Brynlee was born on September 1st. So Brynlee was 11 days overdue but she felt like almost a month overdue. How exhausting for this gigantic mama!
The doctors were planning to induce me on September 3rd, so you would not believe how happy I was to be going into labour on September 1st. At 4 a.m. I felt my first contraction. It was much like all the false labour I had been having, but somehow I just knew this was it. I tried to sleep for a while, but got out of bed around 4:30. This wasn't unusual for me at this point, I never slept the night through anymore.
So, I thought I would let Clark sleep for a while longer; it was going to be a long day for him too. He got out of bed around 9 and I told him we were having our baby today. He was surprisingly calm about it, almost uncaring. Here I was thinking, 'Shouldn't you be jumping around excited? Or at least crack a smile??' I guess he had just woken up, what can I expect?
At this point, my contractions were getting much closer, almost 5 minutes apart but only about 40 seconds long. So I had a nice bath, braided my hair, got everything together, even watched an episode of Lost. By 11 we thought we should get going.
Part 2 of this story coming soon :)