Friday 29 November 2013

The Story of Brynlee's Birth: Part 1

With Brynlee's 3 month birthday coming up in a couple days, I thought it was time to share my birth story.

I should start with the reason Brynlee was so overdue.

My first due date in my pregnancy was August 7th. When we went for an ultrasound, that date was changed to August 21st. Clark and I decided we would stick with the original date, being fully aware that Bryn could be quite late. So to spare us the hassle of telling people a long story when they asked my due date, we just said the 7th. This caused much confusion when Brynlee was born on September 1st. So Brynlee was 11 days overdue but she felt like almost a month overdue. How exhausting for this gigantic mama!

The doctors were planning to induce me on September 3rd, so you would not believe how happy I was to be going into labour on September 1st. At 4 a.m. I felt my first contraction. It was much like all the false labour I had been having, but somehow I just knew this was it. I tried to sleep for a while, but got out of bed around 4:30. This wasn't unusual for me at this point, I never slept the night through anymore. 

So, I thought I would let Clark sleep for a while longer; it was going to be a long day for him too. He got out of bed around 9 and I told him we were having our baby today. He was surprisingly calm about it, almost uncaring. Here I was thinking, 'Shouldn't you be jumping around excited? Or at least crack a smile??' I guess he had just woken up, what can I expect? 

At this point, my contractions were getting much closer, almost 5 minutes apart but only about 40 seconds long. So I had a nice bath, braided my hair, got everything together, even watched an episode of Lost. By 11 we thought we should get going. 

Part 2 of this story coming soon :)

Sunday 24 November 2013

Lectio Divina

I've been doing a bible study through church. It's called Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton.

In the study, Ruth goes through six different spiritual practices.

My favourite of all these is lectio divina, literally translated, divine or sacred reading. If you have never heard of lectio divina, it is a practice of reading a passage of scripture through four times and meditating on it between readings.

I had experienced this practice many years ago as a counselor and Red Rock Bible Camp. I loved it then, but had pretty much forgotten about it and thought it only worked in a group setting.

Having Ruth talk about this practice as something you can do at home has changed that mindset for me. I went home after that bible study and did a lectio divina reading on my own. I loved it.

I'm the kind of person who can't focus on one thing at a time. So when I read my bible, I miss big sections because my mind wanders to laundry or dishes or Brynlee and suddenly I realize that I have no idea what the last chapter was about.

Lectio divina changed that for me. The repetition is what keeps me focused and the meditation is when God teaches me.

I know that everybody learns differently, but I encourage you to try this. And if you already do this, let me know what you think about it. I'm sure not everybody loves it as much as I do.

What are your favourite spiritual practices? I would love to hear how other people learn and experience God.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Three whole years

Today is our anniversary.

I can't believe it has been 3 years already. And it just keeps getting better :)

The last 3 years has been challenging yet amazing.

We went to Ireland

We lived at Redberry Bible Camp

We bought a house

And we had a beautiful baby girl

Sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am with such an amazing husband and daughter. God knew exactly what I needed in a husband when he brought me Clark. There are so many things I love about him.

He is a great father to Brynlee
He is always the first to apologize (even when it's not his fault)
He knows my love languages and loves me the way I need him to
He puts God first and leads me to do the same
His deepest desire is to provide for his family
He treats me with love and respect

What a great life!

Saturday 16 November 2013

A Fresh Start

Well, here I am starting a blog. This is something I've thought about a lot in the past few months. I'm not sure if it's something I just never got around to or if I didn't think my thoughts were valuable enough to share, but here it goes and we'll see what happens.

There are a few reasons I wanted to start a blog.

1. I love blogs. I love reading other peoples blogs and think, 'if I like reading other peoples blogs, there must be people out there who would want to read my blog.'

2. I have lots of thoughts/experiences/struggles that I would love to share with people. But how often do I actually talk about those things with others? Probably not as much as I would like.

3. I have lots of time now, why not start a blog. Being at home with my sweet baby girl gives me lots of time to ponder new things and experience a whole lot of new things. Some might be worth sharing.

So tune in to read my posts, hopefully something will meet you where you are at, or challenge you, or encourage you. That really is my goal with this. That I would be able to reach somebody, even if it is just one person. That would be totally worth it.