Monday, 2 December 2013

The Story of Brynlee's Birth: Part 2

We got to the hospital and I was 3 cm dilated. They checked me out, got me on antibiotics because I had just found out the week before that I had Group B Strep. They wanted me to be a bit further before admitting us, so we went for a walk, big pole for antibiotics and all. We were stopping every few minutes for a contraction, of course. By the time we went back to triage, I was 4 cm, so they got us in a room. At this point, I was ready to try anything to ease the pain of the contractions. I guess I should say, anything but drugs. Clark and I came into this pregnancy and labour convinced we were going to have a natural birth, and that's exactly what we did.

This picture shows just how tired I was

I tried a warm shower, a jacuzzi bath and eventually the birthing ball. I think I spent 80% of my labour on that ball. Eventually I wanted something to curb the pain, so I started on nitrous oxide. This stuff was great, but only for about an hour. I was so loopy and tired while taking the gas, the nurse was in and out of the room and I had no idea. I remember asking Clark if the gas would hurt Brynlee, and the nurse answered; that was a little surprising. 

So I got a bit of sleep during that first hour of using the gas, which was good because the hardest part was yet to come. 

Part 3 yet to come...

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