By 6 that night, my water still hadn't fully broken. I was already about 9 cm dilated and my body was telling me to push. So I spent the next 4 hours breathing through the urge to push and telling myself that if I gave in I could do some real damage to my body. The nurses told me that if I allowed myself to push, my uterus could tear. So after dealing with this for far too long, they finally decided it was time to get things going by breaking my water.
This is when things got interesting. When the nurse broke my water, I immediately went to 10 cm and started pushing. Although this is also when she found out there was meconium in the amniotic fluid. So when I got closer to having Brynlee, the NICU team came in. With the doctor and the two nurses I had in my room, I think there was about a dozen of us in that little room.
It was 11:39 when Brynlee finally entered the world at a whopping 9 lb. 2 oz. and 22 inches. What a long day, but the most amazing day of my life! I had my little girl in my arms.
They only let me hold her for a minute before whisking her away to get all the meconium out of her lungs and do a bunch of tests. This gave me a chance to talk to the doctor about how everything went while she stitched me up, only 3 stitches though.
Clark came back from the NICU to tell me how everything went and grab a bit of sleep. It sure wasn't easy sleeping after all that. I got about an hour of sleep before they brought Bryn back to me. I fed her and cuddled her. I just couldn't believe this was my baby!
I really enjoyed reading about your birth experience. It really is the best day of a woman's life.